Sapph went into her room sad, not knowing how to take such a horrible thing. She picked up her phone and called Bloom, "Hey, I have... bad news..." "What happened?" Bloom said. "Um, you know my boyfriend Jake? Well, we broke up...." Bloom sighed, "Oh, Sapph, I'm sorry! Why?!" Sapph laughed, "Are you kidding me!? He was a jerk from the start, the only reason I'm sorry is cause of his hot convertible with connected wi-fi! I should'a dumped his sorry butt years ago!" Bloom laughed, "But still, why did you?" "Well, he was.... busy with his other girlfriend. He chose her." "Sapph, I know it hurts, I know! You can't say it doesn't." Sapph shrugged it off, "Ya, whatev, I gotta go... Bye." She hung up and went down into the basement. She was doing her homework, when a photo album mysteriously fell onto her lap. She opened it. It was her and Jake's special album. Jake could be very violent and mean, but he had a soft side. There were pictures of them at the prom and other special times.

...At the park....
Sapph hated to admit, but she did miss him. He was the only boy that she ever had in her life, and now she had to let that go. Sapph said she was fine, but of course it hurt. Who is totally fine with seeing your boyfriend that you've loved since you were younger and he's kissing another girl. Your enemy. Crystal has been Sapph's ememy since they met in 2nd grade.
Thank you for reading my mini story so you can learn a little more about Sapph.
OMG!!!! So looking forward to how her and Crystal are!