Friday, September 6, 2013


"Why do I always have to mess things up...?" said Bloom to herself as she walked to her locker.  "Ya, why do ya?"  Sapph laughed.  "Really mature.  Now, did you study for that exam in Biology?  I did.  You didn't did you...  Oh well, if you wanna fail, not my problem."  "Gosh!" Sapph did her hands up, "I am perfectly fine with getting another F, I DON'T CARE."  Justice walked up with Chase, "Let me guess, Bloom studied for the test, you didn't, and she's now gonna start saying WHY it's important to study."  "It is very important to study Sapph!  You do not simply WANT to fail a test."  "See, told you."  Justice grinned.  "Um, guys..."  Chase tapped each of their shoulders, "I think we have a problem."  "What?"  They said together.  "Didn't Mr. Garto say we needed to meet him? Today?  Right now!?"  Sapph laughed, "Honestly Chase, he can't hurt us, he's not allowed.  Ordered by Samuel Hickson, he is simply to give us a paper which we will take to Jonny Hales."  Chase rolled his eyes, "Ya, but he can get mad at us, and I don't want a cold blood murderer mad at me."  Justice looked at Sapph, "He has a point, we should go, I mean...  Unless you'd like Hales to deduct all our pay."

Later on when the gang made it to Garto's house on the east coast of town, was when they realized they had been tricked.  "Um, guys?" Sapph said, "Notice that this is not Garto's house, this is a grave yard." Chase laughed, "With a house right there in the middle!"  Sapph looked at the mysterious house and wondered if this was a trap.  "I'll stay out here incase there's trouble..."  Bloom mumbled.  "Good idea, you sure you'll be alright alone in.... in... here?"  Chase said concerned.  "Ya, I'll be fine.  I mean as long as you stay with me, you know, I have a fear of zombies.

Justice and Sapph knocked on the door while Bloom and Chase hid in the dead bushes.  "Who is it?"  Said a creepy tone behind the door.  "Like does he get any OTHER visitors here!?"  Justice mumbled.  Sapph grinned, "It's...  Us...."  "Oh."  The door opened with a whining sound.  "Welcome, wait, where's the other two?"  Justice shrugged, "They couldn't come, um, but we're here!"  Justice grinned hoping to lighten the mood.  "I see her you know."  Justice opened his mouth to deny him, but Bloom came out, "Yes, I'm here.  I lost my purse..." Garto rolled his black eyes, "Yes.  I see."  He grinned a somewhat happy grin, "Welcome, please do come in."  They went in after him and looked around at the surprisingly large house.  It had a downstairs, and was decorated with cobwebs and something red, which everyone was hoping wasn't blood.  "Please, make yourself at home, my home is your home."  Sapph held back a laugh, "Um, uh, what IS your name.  Everyone just says Garto."  "and Garto it is."  Garto laughed, "Okay, well, Garto, I was wondering.  What is so important about this paper that we had to totally go out of our way, and-"  Justice albowed her, "Be nice," he whispered, "What she's trying to say, is, well, what exactly ARE we picking up?" "Nothing."  Garto grinned evily.  "Now, let me go get that box you'll need, and... Um, I'll be right back."

They sat in quiet, not knowing what to expect when Sapph darted upward, "Wait a minute!  If he's getting a box, and we're here to get a paper, and he says we don't need ANYTHING here, then, um, WHY ARE WE HERE!?"  Sapph yelled.  "Shhh!"  Bloom hushed her, "Don't let him hear you, we need to stick through this to the end.  Hales said we needed it."  Sapph nodded.  They waited for awhile, but Garto never returned.  Sapph finally became too impatient, and went off to find him.  "Your seriously letting SAPPH walk off after a cold blooded murderer on her own?"  Chase said.  It was a moment of silence then they got up and followed her.  Garto was lying down on the floor in the hallway.  Sapph was standing beside him, "I think he's dead."  Sapph said simply.  "Well, sure, I guess, but it looks like he's breathing.... No!  Don't touch him!"  Justice said.  Sapph backed away.  "Why is he dead anyway?"  "I don't know, ask him..."  Justice grinned slightly.

Outside Chase waited patiently for his friends.  Inside he was freaked and worried about what was happing inside the house in the middle of the grave yard.  He let no sign get out.  He heard someone scream which he recognized as Bloom, and darted to the door.  He tried to open it, but he couldn't.  He kicked it, he punched it, he pried it, he tried everything, then he darted away.  He had experienced Garto's last murder, and he wasn't making the same mistake.  While Garto slowly killed his prey, Chase had tried to get in.  He was too late and nearly got killed himself.  Garto was a smart man, he knew he wouldn't get in, and if he wanted to save his friends he needed to go get help.  He ran all the way to Hales house which was not all too far from the grave yard, but far enough.  He broke through the door and ran into the study where Jonny Hales always sat looking thoughtfully into the fire.  "Garto!  Kill!"  Was all he managed to say.  "What, son speak up!"  Hales demanded.  "We went to get that paper, I waited outside, Bloom screamed, I come get help!"  Hales shook his head, "I never told you to get a paper, NO ONE, not even me dares get something from Garto!  It was a perfect set up!  We need to go, now!"  Hales jumped up from his chair and grabbed his jacket, he fumbled to put it on as him and Chase ran to the car.

Once at Garto's, Chase was worried it was too late.  They heard a gun shot, then a scream, glass breaking, and Justice yelled something.  Hales ran barging his body into the door.  Chase and Hales ran through the house and soon found a quite startling scene in the bedroom.  Garto was sitting on the bed, Sapph wasn't there.  Justice was tied to the wall, and Bloom was sitting next to Garto stalk still.  "Now, dear Bloom-"  He stopped as Chase and Jonny Hales broke into the room.  Garto smiled, "Well, this house hasn't been so full of life since... Oh, a LONG time."  Hales pulled his gun out, "Garto, release them right now, then I'll spare your life."  Garto laughed, "You can't kill me!  It's against the rules!  Although, I, don't play by rules."  Hales lowered his gun.  "Right choice."  Garto grinned.  Sapph ran into the room.  "Okay, let me get this straight.  You, Garto, were just having us come here to kill us?"  Garto shook his head, "Not you, Sapph, Jonathan Hales."  He laughed, "I knew Chase was with you.  I'm not stupid!  I knew that when I scared Bloom, she'd scream.  I knew Chase would get him, and I knew I will, I WILL kill him!"  Sapph shook her head, "Um, well, we're gonna go..., so bye!"  Sapph grabbed Hales arm and ran, Bloom, Justice and Chase followed.  They ran threw the grave yard and made it to the city, where Garto would be caught if he followed.

"We learned our lesson and we're sorry." Sapph sighed, "Next time we'll ask you before we follow someone else's mission...."  Hales nodded, "And what would've happened if I wasn't able to come?"  "We would have all died, and your life would be in danger, and no one would know to warn you..." Hales nodded, "Lesson learned.  Alright, you may go, but remember, Garto got away again, and it's your fault for not coming to me.  You KNOW Garto is dangerous, I can't believe you went there alone.  I am disappointed in that idea, but I honor your bravery."

Thanks for reading the Adventures of Us, I hope you come again and read our next adventure!  Bye for now!

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