Monday, September 9, 2013

Sapph's Secret 2 Part 2

Bloom and Chase were talking, so Sapph and Justice were quiet.  They ordered and Bloom was all upset with the waitress.  Chase left to go to the bathroom.  "Bloom, I know why you hate our waitress."  Bloom blushed, "Why do you think I hate her?!"  Sapph laughed, "Your giving her THE glare.  Well, anywho, I know why.  Cause SHE is giving CHASE the EYES."  Bloom blushed, "Are you kidding me!?  I have a boyfriend!"  Sapph laughed, "And, you are on a date with another guy!"  Bloom blushed deeply, "I need to go to the bathroom...."  She ran into the restrooms.  Justice shook his head, "You know, you could seriously brake a friendship like that."  "Like what?"  Justice grinned, "Wise words come from wise people, wise people think before they speak."  Sapph laughed, "Honestly Justice, are you a fortune cookie!?  No offense, there's nothing wrong with it, but you always have some quote up your sleeve."  He just grinned.  It was silent for awhile then Chase came back.  "What'ya up to?  Where's Bloom?"  Justice shook his head, "Sapph chased her off...."  Chase glared at Sapph, "Yeah, thanks."  Sapph grinned and nodded.  Sapph  got up and went to the counter where you pay she tapped the waitress on the shoulder, "Um, mam?  You know, the job of a waitress is very hard, but-"  "Why thank you!  The pretty brunette girl replied.  "No, I was GONNA say, BUT you can actually come bring us our food instead of flurting over here!"  She glared at her, "I am talking to my brither, not'flurting!' "  Sapph laughed, "Yeah, whatever, just actually bring our food at some time."

Justice had told Sapph he'd drop her off and haul her bike in his pick up.  Sapph nodded and got in the car.  They were silent, but then the car broke down.  Justice was known for his bad luck in cars, and I guess everything else.  "I'm sorry...."  Sapph grinned, "Hey, at least you HAVE a car...., and can drive...."  Justice grinned, "Well, you can drive....  I just don't think you should...."  Sapph and him laughed, then Justice got out and checked the engine.  "Um, Sapph, can you please get out of the-"  He opened the door and pulled her out.  The engine huffed, a smoke cloud pulled out, and it burst into flames.  Justice and Sapph looked at each other.  Justice grinned, "I can fix that."  It was in a matter of seconds, the car's windows shattered, the whole doors fell out and broke, the tires popped and rolled away, everything broke.  "I can't fix that...."  Sapph sighed, "I'll call Chase."  She pulled out her phone, "Hey, can you pick us up? Why?  What?  Really...  Well, can you?  Oh...  Well, can Bloom?  Oh, okay....  Thanks anyway..."  She hung up, "His car broke.  Not down, all over....  Like yours..."  Justice laughed, "What the chances of that!"  Justice thought for a moment, "We could walk."  So they walked, after all they weren't that far from.... somewhere.....  

Bloom and Chase were sitting on a log next to his broken car.  "Why did I drive home with you!"  Bloom laughed, "Just kidding!"  Chase grinned, "We could walk..."  They started walking.  They heard footsteps.  They stopped.  "What's that!?"  Bloom whispered.  Chase shook his head.  They saw something kinda yellowish flowing in the trees, like...  fur?  Then Sapph and Justice came out.  "Oh my!  I nearly screamed!  What...."  Sapph grinned, "Same luck..."  They all laughed and started walking together.  Once they reached town it was quiet and the only lights that were one were those of the Midtown Bar.  The most famous bar in town.  There were rumors that people were murdered every night after midnight there.  They saw a mysterious figure in the shadows.  He came closer.  The clock stuck 12.

Well, please come back and keep reading!  (I will do a new section each month, October's character has brown hair, and named Bloom!)

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! (I know I say omg every time, but this is a real serious omg!!!!) SOOOOO Excited!!!!!
