Sunday, September 15, 2013

Introduction, Things to look forward to in Bloom's World

As you now know, Bloom's World is the next book in this series.  The important facts about Bloom are-

1. She is very kind
2. She can be kinda nosy
3. She gets excited easily
4. She will be your best friend

She's normally not nosy, but in the last story, and some future ones she might, she get's excited easily, and when she does, she can get nosy.  She has a very interesting past.  All of them have an ancient relative which you will learn about, but we're focusing on Bloom.

Bloom represents Kindness.  The others all represent things too, which you'll learn later on.  Bloom's World will be an interesting story about a girl, Bloom, who goes on a journey to uncover her ancient past.  In all my next stories on each character, you'll learn their past.  The first will be Bloom.  She finda a book on a ancient figure which makes her wonder about herself.  So she sets off on a journey with the help of her friends to find out her true past and ancient relatives.  Their journey sets them in a few courses which each of them will take separately.

Sapph takes the course of Danger,
Justice takes the course of Selflessness,
Chase takes the course of Loyalty,
and Bloom takes the course of Heart.

The first Chapter will be up on hopefully August 1st.  So I hope you will read it then!  Bloom's World not only will follow an interesting story line, but it will be a story to celebrate fall, a personal favorite.  So I hope you come by and read it!  See you then!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sapph's Secret, Photo Album

Sapph's Secret 9

"Sapph!  Guess what!?"  Justice ran up to her and kissed her, "I have AWESOME news.  I know I'm not normally this hyper, but guess what!"  Sapph grinned, "What?"  "I found them!  They were in Kentucky!  They moved to Ohio to live with your grandmother, they were coming here, but their car broke down in kentucky.  Last night I saw it on the news.  It caught on fire and nearly exploded!"  "They're definitely in my family....  That;s great!  Thank you so much for helping me!  Where are they?"  "Well, they're....  You can come in."  They walked in and they were reunited.  It was a happy moment.  Do you ever see people so happy that it just makes you feel like a ball of sunshine?  Well, if you were there you probably would.

Later that day the gang met up at the cafe, "You know, if it weren't for Justice, I would have never met my parents again.  Thank you so much!"  She hugged him and grinned.  "If it weren't for Chase, I'd be a loner!"  Bloom laughed.  "What ever did happen to Conner, your OLD boyfriend?"  "Um, we got into a tiny fight....  It's all in the past though, it's his sorry butt, or my handsome prince charming!"  They all laughed.  It was a happy day, they didn't normally get a happy moment that really lasted that long.

It was perfect, everything was right.  It was the way it was supposed to be, like a movie, it wasn't realistic.  It was home again in the Farono house.

Well, I hope you liked this book of the Adventure's of Us!  Come back in October for the next book, "Bloom's World!

Sapph's Secret 8

 Sapph walked to school like every other day.  It was breezy and cool outside, Justice ran up and hugged her, "Hey, where's Chase?  He said he'd pick you up..."  "I ditched my ride."  She grinned, "Don't ask."  They laughed, "Why?"  "Well, IDK, I just did."

At school Bloom ran up to them "HA!  I KNEW it!!!!!  You two are dating, I KNEW IT!!!!"  Sapph grinned, "I thought you told her?"  "No, I thought you did?"  Bloom sighed, "You know, your status is still single, so you might want to change that."  Sapph laughed, "Ya, I'll get to it..."  "So, now WHAT were you saying last night?"  "Um, nothing, just forget it."  "NO!  I will not forget it!  Last night I dreamed about it, it turned out as a nightmare!  The whole world was wanting know your secret, and they ATE you!!!!  I fell asleep in my cereal and dreamed about it!  I BLOGGED about it!  I posted on Facebook how much I NEED to know!!!!!  PLEASE!!!!  TELL ME!!!!!"  Sapph grinned, "A little dramatic?"  "Well, so your calling me dramatic.  When your dog sat down on your foot you yelled in pain and fell to the floor in dead agony, your calling ME dramatic???"  "Whatev, I got a class to get to."  "Fine, I'll-  Wait!  NO!  TELL ME!!!!!!"  "I promise I will tell you later.  Not now, not here."

That night at the cafe Justice and Chase were holding their now trying to kill each other girlfriends.  "Sapph!  Please!  Tell me!!!  You promised!!!"  "Okay.  Well, you know how I said about my parents. Well, there's something that....  No one.... knows....  Mr. and Mrs.-  For goodness sake!  I gotta go!  I have a biology exam tomorrow!"  "And when did you start caring about that?"  Sapph rolled her eyes, "THEY AREN'T MY PARENTS!  Happy?"  She ran out.  "What!?  Justice!  What does she mean!  Chase!  DO SOMETHING!!!!"  "Bloom, calm down!  She's probably- Your right, Justice?  Can you go stop her.  bring her back."  "Chase, I think she wants to be alone."  "Your right too, we'll visit her tonight.  For now, we.... wait."

Sapph hugged her pillow, "You won't let anyone find out, you won't."  "Sapph, Bloom said she's sorry she acted the way she did before.  She didn't mean to punch you."  "It didn't hurt."  Sapph sat up, "That much..."  He grinned, "Well, you know, if you want to tell me you can."  "No, it's nothing.  Well, actually, I need to tell you.  Okay, well, my real parents, Mr. and Mrs. Farono.....  Live in England.  When I was 12, the year before we moved to Tennessee, we got into a fight.  I didn't move from Ohio like I said.  I robbed a bank to get money for a boat fair.  I came to America and found Mr. and Mrs. Oliver.  They were REALLY nice, and they took me in, I lied and said my parents died, and I was alone.  They promised not to tell anyone.  I don't know what to do!  I miss my family!  I want them back!  I really do, but how would I contact them...."  Justice put his arm around her, "It's okay, we'll find your parents and get you home."

Come back tomorrow for the last chapter of Sapph's Secret to find out what happens.  Will she find her long lost parents, will they even take her back?

Sapph's Secret 7

It was a sunny day, everything was going good.  Sapph walked up to the mall, she promised Bloom she'd meet her there.  "Well, you showed up!"  "What do you mean?"  Bloom grinned, "Wow, those earrings are...... amazing....."  Sapph grinned, she had a pair of screw earrings that looked like screws threw your ears.  "Thanks, so, watcha need?"  "It's a fashion emergency!!!!  My closet is, EMPTY!!!!!"  Sapph sighed, "What did you do with all of your clothes."  "They're in my closet.....  Well, on my bed, my closet IS empty....  I NEED THE NEW FALL LINE BY AMY ADAMS!!!!!"  Sapph grinned, "I gotta go though....  I promised Justice I'd meet him.... somewhere."  "Why have you two been so.... weird..... lately?"  "No reason, like I said, gotta go."  Sapph left.  "Somethings up, I'm GONNA find out what."  Crystal walked up, "Hey Bloom! You know what I found out?"  Bloom grinned, "Hey Crystal, what?"  "Sapph has a boyfriend!  She told me, she didn't tell her best friend?"  Bloom shook her head, "Sapph would if she did, she doesn't have a boyfriend!"

"SPILL!  WHO IS HE, IS HE CUTE!  TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Bloom pushed Sapph to the ground, "What?  Oh."  Sapph answered her phone, "Hello?  Hey, ya.  Right now?  SHE is HERE.  I know! I'm not stupid, ya, RIGHT NOW?  Ugh, fine, she knows something.  I'm not sure.  Ya, BYE.  Ya, whatev, BYE."  She hung up, "So.....  Wow, it's already 10:00, gotta go!  Bye!"  "Oh no you don't.  WHERE." "Isn't that my business?"  Sapph ran off.  "Ugh!  What is here problem!"  Chase came up, "Notice, she left you in her house."  "How did you....  Nevermind, good point..."  Bloom looked around her room.  "Home phone!  Check!"  She picked it up and checked the call log, "Nothing...."  She looked for her diary, "I KNOW she has a diary...."  "Bloom, that's not what I meant, hey, come on, let's get some lunch."  He put his arm around her, "She'll tell us when she's ready."

Sapph came up to Bloom in the store, she was with Justice.  "I knew it!!!  I KNEW you were ditching me!!!!"  "What?!"  Sapph sighed, "Bloom, Justice was helping me."  "Do WHAT?"  "My mom gave me a HUGE list of groceries, and he was helping me so it wouldn't take so long and I could meet you again at the mall."  "Oh....."  Justice laughed, "Did you think SHE would ditch YOU for ME?"  Bloom nodded, "Well, kinda...  You two have been hanging out alot....  Is there anything you need to TELL ME?!"  Sapph grinned, "Yes, actually there is.  Me and Justice are, in need of a..........  Can you come with us for something......."  Bloom sighed, "What?"  "A.... person.... to....... come with us....... Cause you aren't allowed.  For goodness sake!  A school field trip, they said you and me couldn't partner up, so I chose Justice, they won't let us go alone, so I asked if you could come...."  "Well, I got plans, WITH MY BOYFRIEND!"  "Wait, I just realized, if Chase is your boyfriend now, what happened to Conner?"  "You know what, I really need to go, BYE!"  Bloom ran off, grabbing Chase.  "Um, Sapphy?"  "Uho, what did you do?"  Justice grinned, "I have to go to some convention with my brother, so I won't be able to make it...."  "What convention?"  "Um, he still doesn't know we're together, and he says I need a girlfriend, and all the girls there are eligible...."  Sapph sighed, "What convention?"  "Um, the art of the bikini...."  Sapph grinned, "Uhu, so you are, wait the what now?"  He sighed, "I'm not actually, well, I mean, he, UGH.  I'm not actually going in, wanna come?"  "Sure....."

At the convention Crystal walked up, "Hey guys!"

Crystal was wearing a blue bikini, and she looked smiled, "I'm entering the best bikini contest!"  Justice laughed, "Ehem, sorry, I just, that's not completely a bikini...."  She rolled her eyes.  She took of the white jacket and skirt.  "See, it is."  He nodded, "Uhu."  "Well, gotta go!  Will you be watching?"  "Um, no, actually....  Me and my brother and Sapph are um, no."  She sighed, "Oh, well, I don't know ANYONE there, and I wanted someone to cheer me on...  Oh well, I'll live, bye guys!"  She walked away, smiled, and ran off.  "You know, she just wants you to watch."  "I know."  Justice grinned, "Although, I'd rather go to that nice looking cafe, you like coffee?"  "Not really...  You do?"  Justice laughed, "No."

Justice's brother, Scott came up, "Hey, Sapph, do you like coffee?"  Sapph grinned, "Um, not-"  He handed her a coffee, "Good, here."  She looked at Justice, "I LOVE coffee...."  They both laughed slightly.  Scott looked at Justice, "Are you gonna watch the convention?"  "No, I'm going to the..... cafe....."  He grabbed Sapph's arm and ran to the cafe.  "If we don't let him answer, he'll understand."  Sapph nodded.

Later that day at the park they all met up, "Hey, Chase?"  Sapph tapped him, "Do you know, you know what, nevermind."  He gave her a weird look then shrugged.  "Okay...."  "So, there's something I've been meaning to tell you...."  "What is it?"  Bloom smiled.  "Well, you know my.... parents....  Mr. and Mrs. Oliver?"  They nodded, "You know what....  I really need to go...  I'm late for dinner.  Bye guys."  She left, leaving them all puzzled.  "But..."  Bloom started.

Come back next time for the next chapter of Sapph's Secret!  There is two more chapters.  I hope you come back!  Then after that I will post a photo album, then you'll have to wait for October to read, Bloom's World.  My next book in the series, The Adventure's of Us!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sapph's Secret 6

Sapph walked into the door to her house.  It was darj she turned on the light to hear a sudden burt of, "Surprises!"  She stopped.  Looked at the girl in the midst of it all, "You did this?"  Bloom nodded, "Do you like?"  Sapph looked around, "I love!"

They danced and partied for a LONG time, then finally at the end of the day, Justice said he needed to talk to her.  They went outside, "Well, um, you know, Bloom and Chase are dating now, right?"  Sapph grinned, "They are now...?"  "Yeah, well, I was thinking maybe you, would..."  "What are you saying?"  Obviously Sapph could tell, but the fun of it was watching the guy stutter into the question.  "Your not gonna make this easier for me?"  Sapph shook her head, "Nope."  "Okay, will, or, would, you, be my,"  There was a short pause, "Girlfriend?"  Sapph grinned, "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"
After they came back in it was a happy night.  Now I gotta go celebrate a birthday! =D

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sapph's Secret 5

"Oh my gosh..."  Bloom said.  They had been on the plane for a whole day.  "Sapph's birthday is tomorrow!"  Justice grinned, "All the more reason we need to find her."  The plane had landed only a few minutes later.  They were right by the grand canyons.  "We just need to rent a car and drive down the gorge."  Chase pointed out.  "There's a car rental place as soon as you hit town."  "Where's town?" "Um, I'm not sure...."  Justice admitted.

After they walked for about thirty minutes, they hit a small town that looked practically deserted.  In the middle of the day it was kinda dark, and the only open building was a car rental shop that was light to the heavens.  Justice knocked on the locked door.  "Hello?"  A lady opened the door, "Uh, hello....  Can I help you?"  Justice smiled, "We need to rent a car."  The lady nodded, "Sure, come on in, the car lot is out the back."  They followed the lady threw her house and went out the back door.  Her back yard was just a splotch of grass with cars parked in it.  "Um...  So you run this on your own?"  Chase asked, "Yes, I was never married.  I find it useful to sell cars.  I just took my backyard into some use!"  Chase nodded, "Interesting."  

After they got a car for $50 a week, a surprising price for the cars outer apparel, but once you saw how it worked, you'd understand.  It took a long while for the car to even pick up any amount in speed.  They finally reached the tourist entrance to the veiw point atop the grand canyons.  "If I were Garto, I would totally change my appearance for one thing, and I would hide somewhere far from tourists..." "Well, it would make more sense to hide ride below their unsuspecting noses."  Chase said, "Makes sense too."  Justice nodded.  "We shouldn't split up, it's too risky.  Let's check right around here.  First things first, we need to find a way to get down there without anyone noticing..."  They all agreed.  Justice grinned, "I'll distract the crowd, Chase, you lower a rope and tie as many as you need.  Bloom you start going down.  Then Chase, tie the rope good, and leave the rest to me.  Justice went to the small crowd looking out into the view.  "Hello!  I am Justice Mathews, and I am here as your tour guide...  Please come with me...."  The crowd laughed, "But your only a teenager!"  One man said, "I... am a college student, and for school I needed to get a job to build social skills."  The crowd followed him to the view point, "Ah, lovely view, shall we move on?"  He took them far away from the view point, and while they were busy looking out to their new view, he ran off.  Grabbed the knot from the rope, "Chase catch!"  He threw it down to the ledge they were on.  Chase grabed it and Justice swung down.

"Alright, now what!?"  Bloom said.  "We search."  They looked around, not knowing how to search the grand canyons.  "Hey, guys, look."  There was a little ledge drooping dow from theres, which Chase had jumped onto.  "There's a cave."  They went inside.  It was dark and a perfect hide out.  They heard a loud growling noise then Sapph ran up and skidded to a stop, "What are you doing here!?" She shrieked, "I am kinda busy!!!"  She dodged a rock.  "Haha!  Missed me!"  I rock smacked her in the head, "Ow."  Justice looked her up and down.  She was practically completely black from dust, her clothes were ripped, and her arm was bleeding.  "I'm fine, I can handle this stupid, argh!"  She turned around, "Are you scared, show yourself!"  A large figure thing came to place infront of her.  "Okay, a little bigger than I thought..."  She dodged it's fist.  "Alright, tell me!  Where's Garto!"  "He is not here!"  It's raging roar began, "He never was."  Sapph stopped, "Wait a minute, the lead I got was you! I came all the way out here for you!  You are SOOO going down Mr!"  "Sapph!  Calm down, it's just a harmless..... beast.....  Well, we need to go!"  Sapph sighed, "It can't hurt anyone down here...  Your right, we should go..."  

Back in Tennessee, their hometown, "So....  Watcha doin tomorrow?"  Sapph asked, "Well, I'm going to my grandma's...."  Chase said, "And I'm going to a ball game."  Justice sighed, "I'm going to my mom's meeting, she wants me to come."  Sapph nodded, "Oh."  Bloom sighed and glared at Justice.  he just grinned.  "So, what are you doing?"  Justice grinned,"  Sapph laughed, "I'm... going out....."  He grinned, "Your not gonna be home?  You know what?  Can I come over?  That ball game can wait, I need to talk to you about something."  Sapph nodded, "Sure."

Bloom went over to Justice's house with Chase, "Hey Justy!  We need to tell you something..."  Justice nodded, "Sure...  What's up?"  Chase grinned, "Well...  I asked Bloom to be my girlfriend...."  Bloom grinned, "And I said yes!"  Justice grinned, "That's great guys!  I'm happy for you!  We do really need to talk about tomorrow.  I got Sapph to be home, and now we need to talk about the party...."  Bloom nodded.

Tomorrow was Sapph's birthday!  But you guys will have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens!  Will Sapph be honest to Justice and even be there?

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sapph's Secret 4

Well, the "better day" the gang had shared only lasted a day.  The next morning when each woke up, it was storming.  Sapph sat up and looked at the time, 10:03.  She jumped out of bed, "Why didn't my alarm go off!!!"  She looked at the calendar, Saturday, "Oh."  She sat down on the bed, not knowing what to do.  Her phone rang, "Hello?"  She heard silence, then Jake's voice, "Sapph, listen to me.  We need to talk."  Sapph sighed, "Jake, you made your choice, there's NOTHING to say."  She hung up.  She was sad, a horrible way to start a brand new, stormy day.
Sapph sat down in her closet and hugged her knees.  When Sapph wanted to be alone, her closet was the place to go, she had a lock, and all her books were in there.  She never cried, she never let herself.  She watched as a tear fell to her legs.  She wiped her face, "No.  Don't cry, not over him."  She sat up and took a deep breath.  "I'll.....  Sit here....."  Sapph hated just sitting around, normally, but sometimes it felt good.  She got up and got dressed she got her phone and called Bloom.  Sometimes all she needed was to talk to her best friends.  "Hey, what's up!?"  Sapph smiled, instantly happy.  Bloom and her laughed and talked, until Bloom said she was going shopping with her sister.  Sapph went into the kitchen, again, nothing to do.

Later that day, as always on Saturday, Sapph went to the park to meet the rest of the gang.  She saw Justice and Chase.  "Hey Sapph!"  They both said.  Sapph smiled and waved, "Where's Bloom?  Oh wait...  She told me to tell you guys she couldn't come....  She's spending the day with her sister."  They had fun as always.  Usually, when Bloom was there, they'd go somewhere together, but today, for once, they played together.  "This is weird..."  Chase laughed.  Justice grinned evily, "Hey, Sapph?  Bet'ya anything you can't run to the stop of the hill and roll down it 5 times without collapsing!"  Sapph looked up at the huge hill, which appeared more as a mountain.  She grinned, "Your on!"  She actually managed to do it, then she collapsed into his arms.  "Oh my gosh!  You did it!"  Justice cheered.  They all laughed.

After all the excitement ended, Sapph went home.  It was just a boring Saturday, but yet, it was her job to report to Hales everyday about Garto.  "Major Hales, the news is not much, but, I did get a lead on where he is.  I found a trace in the Grand Canyons.  That, to me, is the perfect place to hide.  Shall we check it out?"  "No.  I told you last time too, no."  Sapph sighed, "I can handle it!  Dude, listen to me, I am strong.  I have 10 years of gymnastics, I can handle a gun of any type, I can shoot a bow and arrow, I can-"  "Sapphire!  You don't understand!  I don't underestimate you, YOU underestimate Garto."  Sapph rolled her eyes, "Yeah, whatever."  She disconnected the call.  She went out of her closet and grabbed her bag.  "I can too handle myself."  She mumbled to herself.  She packed a rope, a gun, bullets, a few blankets, some food and water, and some other necessary needs.  "I'll show them."  She left with that.

Bloom, Chase and Justice met the next day at the cafe.  "Where's Sapph?"  Bloom shrugged, "I haven't heard from her...., so since she's not here.  Any new ideas for her birthday party?"  Justice nodded, "I think we should get a sapphire blue cake with lime green icing.  I already got a good one picked out.  Here's a picture, I asked them to hold it for me."  He showed them his phone, "Or we could do lime green with blue icing...." Chase suggested showing his phone.  Bloom bit her lip, "As party coordinator, I think Chase's is better, but!  Remember, I chose Justice's decorating ideas, so we're good."  "Where is she!?"  Justice and Chase said at the same time.  Everyone laughed, "It's like her to be a little late, but it's already been thirty minutes!"  Bloom sighed, "Let's go look for her."

At Sapph's house, Bloom knocked on the door.  "Hi, um....  Is Sapph here?" "No...  I thought she was with you?"  Bloom ran back to the street where the guys were.  "She's not there...  We would've seen her on the way here...."  Bloom answered her phone, "Hello?  What!?  She wouldn't....  Actually...  She probably would....  Um, yes, where!?  How do we, or she, get THERE!?  That's like.... way far!"  Bloom sighed, "Yes sir, we will.  Thank you.  You can count on us!  Yes, bye!"  Bloom hung up.  "Sapph has went to the grand canyon, disobeying Mr. Hales, and set to KILL GARTO!!!!!  We need to go the airport and look for her, and under NO circumstances are we to go the grand canyons."  Justice and Chase nodded.  Getting into Chase's repaired car, they drove off.

At the airport Justice noticed that homeless man from the bar.  "Um, sir?"  Justice said.  The man turned, "Why hello!"  Justice smiled, "Remember the blonde girl that was with us?  Well, have you seen her come by here?"  The man shook his head, "No, sorry...  If I do, I will call you.  What's your number?"  Justice gave him a paper, "Thank you!"  They ran off and went into the luggage disposal area.  They looked around, but she wasn't there.  "Where is she!?" Bloom groaned.  They checked everywhere.  They went to the take off stand, "Has anyone named Sapphire Farono boarded any of your planes?"  Justice asked.  The secretary smiled, "Um....  Yes, actually she has.  She boarded flight 18 last night.  She was heading to Arizona boarder.  She took the cheaper flights that tour the grand canyons.  If your trying to get to your friend, take flight 13, it leaves in.....  Five minutes."  Justice smiled, "Thank you!"

After they boarded the plane, Bloom started freaking out, "I PROMISED that we WOULD NOT board a plane!!!  Where are we?  ON A PLANE!!!"  Justice did her down into the seat, "It's okay, we need to go.  Hales will understand, Sapph could be in trouble, we NEED to go."

Come back later to see what happens!

Sapph's Secret 3

"What is that?!"  Blooom whispered.  Chase did his finger to his lips.  The dark shadow came closer.  "Shouldn't we GO."  Bloom mumbled.  Chase shook his head, "Shhh, we need to stop these murders.  That's our job."  Chase walked up to the emerging shape.  "Can I help you sir?"  The figure cam eout of the shadows and appeared as an elderly man.  He looked weak and wobbled slightly with each step. "No, thank you young man.  No one has ever come to me."  Chase smiled.

They were walking again, then out from the bar, which was quite large, Garto came.  "Well, hello there!  I didn't expect to see you ever again!"  Chase glared at him, "Okay, listen here.  We only came to get by, so, please excuse us."  Garto shook his head, "But you just got here!  Can't old friends be friendly to one another?"  Chase laughed, "We were never friends."  Chase walked by with the rest of them.  "Why are we leaving?"  Sapph asked him.  "Cause, remember what Hales said!  He is as dangerous as a viper!  We aren't allowed to stay."  Sapph shrugged, "But still, we need to finish this loser off!"  Sapph slipped away when they weren't looking.  Sapph was determined to get rid of the loser.  After all, she had 10 years of gymnastics.  She went up to him, "Garto, we know what we need to do."  "Fight to the death?  With you!?"  He laughed hard, "You underestimate me."  

They fought for awhile.  Sapph was right, he had underestimated her, and Chase was right too, Garto was like a viper.  He had sharp points and he didn't rest until he won.  He flung Sapph to the ground, "Get down you brat, someone needs to teach you a lesson about manners."  Sapph struggled, he'd gotten her, she couldn't get up.  "Justice?  Chase?  Bloom?  Anyone....?"  It was silent, they were totally alone.  The bar was even empty.  "You were the murderer."  Garto grinned, "Well, it's about time."  "Well, you know what?  I'm NOT gonna be your next victim!"  Before either of them could do anything, Chase, Justice and Bloom came back.  "Garto, the police are on their way, you can let go of her, or you can wait, and well, you'll see."  Chase said.  Garto laughed, "Well, it's about time."  "I could've done it on my own guys!"  Justice grinned, "Then why are you all tied up?"  Sapph glared at him, "I was taking my time."  He just shook his head.  Sapph finally emerged from the ropes and went over to the rest of them.  They watched Garto intently, waiting for any movement.

They were waiting for what seemed like hours, then they heard the sirens.  Garto grabbed Bloom and pulled his gun out, doing it to her head, "No body move, or the girl gets it."  It was a silent moment.  Garto slowly inched toward the street.  "Garto, drop the gun!"  One of the policeman demanded.  Garto laughed, "Even that little girl is more fierce than you, officer."  Sapph growled slightly, "Who are you calling LITTLE!?"  Justice held her back, "Calm down, your temper could kill Bloom."  Everyone was still, Garto dropped Bloom and ran.  He was gone, like that.  

Sapph, Bloom, Justice and Chase were sitting at the cafe when suddenly Bloom jumped up, "Guess what!?  I learned something about Garto!"  "What?"  "He, has 6 fingers on each hand!"  They all laughed.  Everyone knew that.  Bloom grinned, "I always lighten the mood, don't I!?"  Even laughed and talked.  It was a better day.

Well, check out our new facebook page! Click me!!!!  And keep coming back for more stories, and better topics each month!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sapph's Secret 2 Part 2

Bloom and Chase were talking, so Sapph and Justice were quiet.  They ordered and Bloom was all upset with the waitress.  Chase left to go to the bathroom.  "Bloom, I know why you hate our waitress."  Bloom blushed, "Why do you think I hate her?!"  Sapph laughed, "Your giving her THE glare.  Well, anywho, I know why.  Cause SHE is giving CHASE the EYES."  Bloom blushed, "Are you kidding me!?  I have a boyfriend!"  Sapph laughed, "And, you are on a date with another guy!"  Bloom blushed deeply, "I need to go to the bathroom...."  She ran into the restrooms.  Justice shook his head, "You know, you could seriously brake a friendship like that."  "Like what?"  Justice grinned, "Wise words come from wise people, wise people think before they speak."  Sapph laughed, "Honestly Justice, are you a fortune cookie!?  No offense, there's nothing wrong with it, but you always have some quote up your sleeve."  He just grinned.  It was silent for awhile then Chase came back.  "What'ya up to?  Where's Bloom?"  Justice shook his head, "Sapph chased her off...."  Chase glared at Sapph, "Yeah, thanks."  Sapph grinned and nodded.  Sapph  got up and went to the counter where you pay she tapped the waitress on the shoulder, "Um, mam?  You know, the job of a waitress is very hard, but-"  "Why thank you!  The pretty brunette girl replied.  "No, I was GONNA say, BUT you can actually come bring us our food instead of flurting over here!"  She glared at her, "I am talking to my brither, not'flurting!' "  Sapph laughed, "Yeah, whatever, just actually bring our food at some time."

Justice had told Sapph he'd drop her off and haul her bike in his pick up.  Sapph nodded and got in the car.  They were silent, but then the car broke down.  Justice was known for his bad luck in cars, and I guess everything else.  "I'm sorry...."  Sapph grinned, "Hey, at least you HAVE a car...., and can drive...."  Justice grinned, "Well, you can drive....  I just don't think you should...."  Sapph and him laughed, then Justice got out and checked the engine.  "Um, Sapph, can you please get out of the-"  He opened the door and pulled her out.  The engine huffed, a smoke cloud pulled out, and it burst into flames.  Justice and Sapph looked at each other.  Justice grinned, "I can fix that."  It was in a matter of seconds, the car's windows shattered, the whole doors fell out and broke, the tires popped and rolled away, everything broke.  "I can't fix that...."  Sapph sighed, "I'll call Chase."  She pulled out her phone, "Hey, can you pick us up? Why?  What?  Really...  Well, can you?  Oh...  Well, can Bloom?  Oh, okay....  Thanks anyway..."  She hung up, "His car broke.  Not down, all over....  Like yours..."  Justice laughed, "What the chances of that!"  Justice thought for a moment, "We could walk."  So they walked, after all they weren't that far from.... somewhere.....  

Bloom and Chase were sitting on a log next to his broken car.  "Why did I drive home with you!"  Bloom laughed, "Just kidding!"  Chase grinned, "We could walk..."  They started walking.  They heard footsteps.  They stopped.  "What's that!?"  Bloom whispered.  Chase shook his head.  They saw something kinda yellowish flowing in the trees, like...  fur?  Then Sapph and Justice came out.  "Oh my!  I nearly screamed!  What...."  Sapph grinned, "Same luck..."  They all laughed and started walking together.  Once they reached town it was quiet and the only lights that were one were those of the Midtown Bar.  The most famous bar in town.  There were rumors that people were murdered every night after midnight there.  They saw a mysterious figure in the shadows.  He came closer.  The clock stuck 12.

Well, please come back and keep reading!  (I will do a new section each month, October's character has brown hair, and named Bloom!)

Sapph's Secret 2 part 1

"It's Crystal?"  Justice and Chase said in unison.  Bloom nodded, "Yes!  That why I was all AHHHH at first!!!  Sapph will NEVER forgive Jake!!!!!  Honestly, I can't see how she didn't see her..."

Bloom rushed to Sapph's house dragging Chase and Justice along.  "SAPPH!!!"  Bloom yelled as she barged through the door.  Sapph ran downstairs.  "What!?"  Bloom pounced on her taking her to the floor, "THE GIRL IS.....  CRYSTAL!!!!!"  Sapph sighed, "I know, that's what I was trying to explain....  I said I didn't know, then I regretted lying, but you wouldn't shut up!"  Bloom backed up, "Sorry Sapph, I'm not usually like this, I was just EXTREMELY excited about our first double date!"  Sapph blinked, "Um, Bloom?  WHAT double date?!"  Bloom blushed, "I never told you!?  Oh my gosh!  Justice and Chase are taking us out TONIGHT!"  Sapph looked at the boys with a blank expression.  She always saw the boys as friends, but she always kinda had something on Justice.  She smiled, "That sounds fun, sure I'll go, thanks for telling me."  She glared at Bloom then left, leaving the matter with Jake forgotten.

That night Chase and Justice went to the little diner off town where they were meeting the girls.  Bloom pulled up in her expensive convertible, and stepped out.  Chase saw her like an angel stepping out of heaven.  Her short white dress was shiny and sparkling and her hair flowing in the wind.

She was beautiful as always, he could swear he saw a halo.  He smiled and led her inside.  Justice said he'd meet them with Sapph.  Sapph always rode her bike, she never was the best driver, there was always some accident...  Sapph hates dresses, but for some reason, a mini skirt makes all the difference. She had a sapphire mini skirt with a light blue tank top.  She ran up to him and smiled, "Sorry!  My mom had this whole fuss over something..."  He grinned, "No, it's fine."  They went inside and sat down.  Bloom smiled, "Wow, someone's late, but here."

I'm sorry, but times wasting for the mission I must complete, I will finish this story later.

Photo Album Sapph (Character of this section)

Sapph and Jake
Sapph and Jake's first kiss

Well, I hope you enjoyed that, for each section there will be a main character.  Which I will do a album of. Hope you enjoyed!

{Section One} Sapph's Secret

Sapph walked through the park to get to school that morning, she was still a little sad, but she packed it all up in her emotion box.  Sapph was different from most people.  She tried not to let her emotions escape her, she just pulled them back and locked them up.  She saw Jake sitting on the park bench.  "Sapph!  I need to talk to you..."  Sapph sighed, "I don't think so, Jake, there's nothing to say."  Jake shook his head, "But there is.  Sapph, listen.  Please.  I'm SO sorry, what I did was not right.  I know it takes more than sorry to fix this, but hive me one more chance.  Please."  Sapph shook her head, "No.  I'm not ready."  She walked away leaving him alone.  She went to school in silence.  "Sapph!  Hey!"  Bloom said as she ran up to her.  Watcha doin?"  Sapph smiled, "Just going to school....  You know..." Bloom laughed.  They laughed and talked, soon Justice and Chase met up with them.

At school Sapph was obviously distracted, so Bloom tried to find out why, "Um, Sapph?  You okay?  You're acting weird.....  It's about Jake isn't it?  I knew it!  Your soooo not over him!!!  Am I right?!  I mean, of course I'm right!"  Sapph laughed, "Dude, slow down, okay, NO, it's NOT 'bout Jake!  I mean honestly, I DO NOT like him.  Alrighty, that's settled, gotta go....  Bye!"  Sapph ran to class.  Bloom shook her head, "Justice, Chase, I have a mission for both of you.  Chase your job is to follow her and see if she's telling the truth.  Justice, your job is to....  Wait to see what Chase finds out, then you come in."  Chase shook his head, "I'm not following her around!  Okay, fine."  He ran after her.

After school Chase Bloom and Justice met up at Hippie Cafe, the gang's favorite place to eat.  "Well, what did you find out!?"  Bloom edged on him.  "Um, well, she called someone.  He called her, they got into an argument, he came back, and she nearly punched him...  She's in one of those violent death moods...."  Bloom nodded, "Makes perfect sense!  She's..... Jealous!"  Chase and Justice laughed, "Over what!?  Sapph doesn't get jealous easily..."  Bloom rolled her eyes, "It's OBVIOUS!  She dumped Jake cause he was cheating on her!  SHE'S JEALOUS!"  Bloom picked up her phone and called Sapph, "WHO WAS SHE!!!!  The GIRL.  The one he KISSED!  Oh...  Well, that's too bad!  I'll find out, I promise!  No, don't be silly!"  Bloom hung up, "SHE DOESN'T KNOW!!!!  She said she didn't see, and he didn't tell her, and-"  "Bloom!"  Justice cut in, "Honestly, isn't that Sapph's problem....  I mean, okay...  Let me think...  Who would do something like that to Sapph..."  Bloom thought for a minute, "Hm, someone who doesn't know!"  Justice nodded.  Bloom grinned evily, "I will go find out who, while you get her to admit she still likes him!!!"  Bloom ran off, came back grabbed Chase and ran away again.  Justice grinned and shook his head.

Justice knocked on Sapph's door, she opened it and smiled, "Hey Justice, you need something?"  He shook his head, "Um, no...  I.....  Um.....  Hi...."  Sapph gave him a weird look, "Um, hi...."  He blushed, "Uh, I um.....  Bloom....  Needs me to....  Say hi....  Okay, sorry, um, I wanted to borrow....  Your computer...."  Sapph laughed, "That's all you had to say...  I'll go get it for you."  "NO!  I need to use it here....  Um, so...  I don't lose it... Yeah."  Sapph had a weird look, "You never lose anything...  Well, if you insist."  She stepped aside to let him in.  They went to her room and she sat down with him, "Okay, what do you really want...  Wait, you said Bloom...  What is she up to....  Tell me."  Justice bit his lip, "She's wanting to know if you....  Still like Jake...."  Sapph nodded, "I thought so, and NO, you can tell Bloom, WE ARE OVER!  Me and him doesn't exist."  Justice nodded, "Uhu.  Well, if so, well, why.....  Um, please, make this easier for me, DO YOU LIKE THE FREAK!"  Sapph grinned, "No.  I just said that."  "ANSWER THE QUESTION!"  "Um, I did."  "ANSWER IT!"  "Justice, I did."  He stopped, "Your clean...  Maybe...."  He left with that.  Sapph just watched him with suspicious thoughts.

Bloom was determined to find out who.  She wouldn't rest until she did.  She went to find Jake, "TELL ME!  WHO DID YOU KISS!"  Jake blushed, "What!?"  Bloom pushed him against the wall, "I MIGHT WEAR MINI SKIRTS AND ACT ALL CUTE, BUT YOU DO NOT WANNA BE ON MY BAD SIDE. NOW TELL ME!!!!!"  Jake did his hands up, "Okay... It, was Crystal..., and FYI Crystal isn't that good at kissing...."  Bloom dropped him, "WHAT!?"  She ran out in shock.  She ran all the way to Justice's house where him and Chase were playing darts, "It was...  It was.... CRYSTAL!!!!!!"

Well, I hope you keep reading.  In this section on my blog, it will be more about their inner life so you can get to know them better.  In the next one, you'll find more adventure and action!  Hope you come back!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Dirty Truth

Sapph went into her room sad, not knowing how to take such a horrible thing.  She picked up her phone and called Bloom, "Hey, I have... bad news..."  "What happened?"  Bloom said.  "Um, you know my boyfriend Jake?  Well, we broke up...."  Bloom sighed, "Oh, Sapph, I'm sorry!  Why?!"  Sapph laughed, "Are you kidding me!?  He was a jerk from the start, the only reason I'm sorry is cause of his hot convertible with connected wi-fi!  I should'a dumped his sorry butt years ago!"  Bloom laughed, "But still, why did you?"  "Well, he was.... busy with his other girlfriend.  He chose her."  "Sapph, I know it hurts, I know!  You can't say it doesn't."  Sapph shrugged it off, "Ya, whatev, I gotta go... Bye."  She hung up and went down into the basement.  She was doing her homework, when a photo album mysteriously fell onto her lap.  She opened it.  It was her and Jake's special album.  Jake could be very violent and mean, but he had a soft side.  There were pictures of them at the prom and other special times.

...At the park....

Sapph hated to admit, but she did miss him.  He was the only boy that she ever had in her life, and now she had to let that go.  Sapph said she was fine, but of course it hurt.  Who is totally fine with seeing your boyfriend that you've loved since you were younger and he's kissing another girl.  Your enemy.  Crystal  has been Sapph's ememy since they met in 2nd grade.  

Thank you for reading my mini story so you can learn a little more about Sapph.

Friday, September 6, 2013


"Why do I always have to mess things up...?" said Bloom to herself as she walked to her locker.  "Ya, why do ya?"  Sapph laughed.  "Really mature.  Now, did you study for that exam in Biology?  I did.  You didn't did you...  Oh well, if you wanna fail, not my problem."  "Gosh!" Sapph did her hands up, "I am perfectly fine with getting another F, I DON'T CARE."  Justice walked up with Chase, "Let me guess, Bloom studied for the test, you didn't, and she's now gonna start saying WHY it's important to study."  "It is very important to study Sapph!  You do not simply WANT to fail a test."  "See, told you."  Justice grinned.  "Um, guys..."  Chase tapped each of their shoulders, "I think we have a problem."  "What?"  They said together.  "Didn't Mr. Garto say we needed to meet him? Today?  Right now!?"  Sapph laughed, "Honestly Chase, he can't hurt us, he's not allowed.  Ordered by Samuel Hickson, he is simply to give us a paper which we will take to Jonny Hales."  Chase rolled his eyes, "Ya, but he can get mad at us, and I don't want a cold blood murderer mad at me."  Justice looked at Sapph, "He has a point, we should go, I mean...  Unless you'd like Hales to deduct all our pay."

Later on when the gang made it to Garto's house on the east coast of town, was when they realized they had been tricked.  "Um, guys?" Sapph said, "Notice that this is not Garto's house, this is a grave yard." Chase laughed, "With a house right there in the middle!"  Sapph looked at the mysterious house and wondered if this was a trap.  "I'll stay out here incase there's trouble..."  Bloom mumbled.  "Good idea, you sure you'll be alright alone in.... in... here?"  Chase said concerned.  "Ya, I'll be fine.  I mean as long as you stay with me, you know, I have a fear of zombies.

Justice and Sapph knocked on the door while Bloom and Chase hid in the dead bushes.  "Who is it?"  Said a creepy tone behind the door.  "Like does he get any OTHER visitors here!?"  Justice mumbled.  Sapph grinned, "It's...  Us...."  "Oh."  The door opened with a whining sound.  "Welcome, wait, where's the other two?"  Justice shrugged, "They couldn't come, um, but we're here!"  Justice grinned hoping to lighten the mood.  "I see her you know."  Justice opened his mouth to deny him, but Bloom came out, "Yes, I'm here.  I lost my purse..." Garto rolled his black eyes, "Yes.  I see."  He grinned a somewhat happy grin, "Welcome, please do come in."  They went in after him and looked around at the surprisingly large house.  It had a downstairs, and was decorated with cobwebs and something red, which everyone was hoping wasn't blood.  "Please, make yourself at home, my home is your home."  Sapph held back a laugh, "Um, uh, what IS your name.  Everyone just says Garto."  "and Garto it is."  Garto laughed, "Okay, well, Garto, I was wondering.  What is so important about this paper that we had to totally go out of our way, and-"  Justice albowed her, "Be nice," he whispered, "What she's trying to say, is, well, what exactly ARE we picking up?" "Nothing."  Garto grinned evily.  "Now, let me go get that box you'll need, and... Um, I'll be right back."

They sat in quiet, not knowing what to expect when Sapph darted upward, "Wait a minute!  If he's getting a box, and we're here to get a paper, and he says we don't need ANYTHING here, then, um, WHY ARE WE HERE!?"  Sapph yelled.  "Shhh!"  Bloom hushed her, "Don't let him hear you, we need to stick through this to the end.  Hales said we needed it."  Sapph nodded.  They waited for awhile, but Garto never returned.  Sapph finally became too impatient, and went off to find him.  "Your seriously letting SAPPH walk off after a cold blooded murderer on her own?"  Chase said.  It was a moment of silence then they got up and followed her.  Garto was lying down on the floor in the hallway.  Sapph was standing beside him, "I think he's dead."  Sapph said simply.  "Well, sure, I guess, but it looks like he's breathing.... No!  Don't touch him!"  Justice said.  Sapph backed away.  "Why is he dead anyway?"  "I don't know, ask him..."  Justice grinned slightly.

Outside Chase waited patiently for his friends.  Inside he was freaked and worried about what was happing inside the house in the middle of the grave yard.  He let no sign get out.  He heard someone scream which he recognized as Bloom, and darted to the door.  He tried to open it, but he couldn't.  He kicked it, he punched it, he pried it, he tried everything, then he darted away.  He had experienced Garto's last murder, and he wasn't making the same mistake.  While Garto slowly killed his prey, Chase had tried to get in.  He was too late and nearly got killed himself.  Garto was a smart man, he knew he wouldn't get in, and if he wanted to save his friends he needed to go get help.  He ran all the way to Hales house which was not all too far from the grave yard, but far enough.  He broke through the door and ran into the study where Jonny Hales always sat looking thoughtfully into the fire.  "Garto!  Kill!"  Was all he managed to say.  "What, son speak up!"  Hales demanded.  "We went to get that paper, I waited outside, Bloom screamed, I come get help!"  Hales shook his head, "I never told you to get a paper, NO ONE, not even me dares get something from Garto!  It was a perfect set up!  We need to go, now!"  Hales jumped up from his chair and grabbed his jacket, he fumbled to put it on as him and Chase ran to the car.

Once at Garto's, Chase was worried it was too late.  They heard a gun shot, then a scream, glass breaking, and Justice yelled something.  Hales ran barging his body into the door.  Chase and Hales ran through the house and soon found a quite startling scene in the bedroom.  Garto was sitting on the bed, Sapph wasn't there.  Justice was tied to the wall, and Bloom was sitting next to Garto stalk still.  "Now, dear Bloom-"  He stopped as Chase and Jonny Hales broke into the room.  Garto smiled, "Well, this house hasn't been so full of life since... Oh, a LONG time."  Hales pulled his gun out, "Garto, release them right now, then I'll spare your life."  Garto laughed, "You can't kill me!  It's against the rules!  Although, I, don't play by rules."  Hales lowered his gun.  "Right choice."  Garto grinned.  Sapph ran into the room.  "Okay, let me get this straight.  You, Garto, were just having us come here to kill us?"  Garto shook his head, "Not you, Sapph, Jonathan Hales."  He laughed, "I knew Chase was with you.  I'm not stupid!  I knew that when I scared Bloom, she'd scream.  I knew Chase would get him, and I knew I will, I WILL kill him!"  Sapph shook her head, "Um, well, we're gonna go..., so bye!"  Sapph grabbed Hales arm and ran, Bloom, Justice and Chase followed.  They ran threw the grave yard and made it to the city, where Garto would be caught if he followed.

"We learned our lesson and we're sorry." Sapph sighed, "Next time we'll ask you before we follow someone else's mission...."  Hales nodded, "And what would've happened if I wasn't able to come?"  "We would have all died, and your life would be in danger, and no one would know to warn you..." Hales nodded, "Lesson learned.  Alright, you may go, but remember, Garto got away again, and it's your fault for not coming to me.  You KNOW Garto is dangerous, I can't believe you went there alone.  I am disappointed in that idea, but I honor your bravery."

Thanks for reading the Adventures of Us, I hope you come again and read our next adventure!  Bye for now!

Meet the Gang

In this story of The Gang you will get to meet everyone and see there inner life stories before I take out some of the other deeper stories.  Let me introduce myself for one thing.  I am Demetri Ogotto.  I am the son of one of the most important man from my hometown.  My hometown is The Land that doesn't Exist.  I know, I know, that is not possible, BUT, it is.  Let me introduce the members of this story.

Bloom plays a big role, but so do the other four.  Bloom has brown hair and brown eyes, and is often shy, but she is very important person in the friendship of these four teenagers.  You see, the other three intend to argue sometimes, and their relationship is held on barely, but Bloom is the peace maker that always makes things better.  She is 16 and her best friend is Sapph.  She sometimes is shy, but underneath is a smart, kind, loving girl who would do anything for her friends.

Sapph may appear violent at first, then father into your friendship, you'll see there is a....non violent side to her.  Even so, she plays a important role too.  She is the one who keeps everyone straight and shows them their place, no one gets outa hand with her!  She can be fierce, but if you dig a little deeper, you'll find a sensitive girl who just wants to find a place in the world.  Sapph is 16 and has long blonde hair and greeny blue eyes.  She has a big secret that is you read on you might find out!

Justice one of the very important roles in this friendship, but as I said before, everyone is very important in their own way.  Justice is 17 and he has blonde hair and green eyes.  His role is simple, but very important.  He is the keeper.  He holds the secrets that are meant to be kept, the important valuables and all the other things the gang needs.  Doesn't seem important to you?  Well, it is VERY important.  Without him the gang would have many secrets, and they wouldn't be able to have a honest friendship. They would most likely lose some of the valuables they'll need in the future, and most importantly, they might underestimate the importance of the most important things.  As I said before, everyone plays a important part in a friendship.

Chase, as all the others, plays a very important role.  He has brown hair and brown eyes, and he is loyal to his friends to the end.  His role is simple, but once you take it out of the others, then you find how important it really is.  His role is loyalty and trust.  He is loyal to his friends and makes sure everyone stays loyal to each other, and basically, he a honest guy.  He would only lie to protect the secrets of his friends, and for their safety.  Chase is often mistaken for a layed back shy guy, but really he's bursting with energy and ready to fight any battle for his friends.  He completely trust worthy too.

Now that you know all the members of the gang you are ready to learn some points in later stories.  Remember these things, and you'll understand stuff better.

Things to learn about Sapph-
Sapph has a big secret that she's kept all her life, it endangers her greatly, but she won't tell a soul.

Things to learn about Bloom-
Bloom has a very interesting background if you pay attention enough to find it.

Things to learn about Justice-
Justice has a very important secret that he actually doesn't know.  Will he ever find out?

Things to learn about Chase-
Chase has a family member he never knew.  He has been searching his whole life to find them, will he?

Come back soon to see the first adventure and learn the secrets!